Tuesday, March 10, 2015

M1 EXAM: APRIL 16 (AMPHI GUIZOT FROM 6 to 7:30 pm)



Chers étudiants,

Suites à des problèmes personnels, M. NASSOR n'est exceptionnellement plus en mesure d'assurer ses cours d'anglais pour historiens au deuxième semestre.

Tout a été fait pour tenter de le remplacer, mais malheureusement sans succès.

Afin de garantir vos crédits liés à cet enseignement optionnel, vous passerez donc en contrôle terminal ce TD.

Les étudiants de M1 sont convoqués à un devoir sur table d'une heure trente le jeudi 16 avril de 18h à 19h30 en amphi Guizot.

L'évaluation ne visera en rien à vous piéger mais à valoriser des compétences linguistiques déjà acquises en L1, L2, L3 et au premier semestre. Elle prendra la forme d'une série de questions de compréhension d'un article en langue anglaise. Un exemple type est disponible en ligne sur le blog de M. Nassor; ce type d'évaluation avait déjà été donnée au premier semestre.

Pour toute question - importante ! - vous pouvez vous adresser par courriel à M. Richardson, responsable de l'enseignement de l'anglais pour historiens (david.richardson@paris-sorbonne.fr).

En cas d'impossibilité, justifiée, de présence à ce DST terminal, écrivez à M. Richardson, avec les justificatifs d'absence, pour trouver une solution alternative. N'hésitez pas à diffuser toutes ces informations autour de vous à d'autres étudiants concernés.

Nous sommes conscients que cette solution n'est pas idéale, et nous excusons encore au nom de M. NASSOR pour ces circonstances et cet arrangement exceptionnels.

En vous souhaitant bon courage pour le reste de vos enseignements,

Pour l'équipe d'anglais pour historiens,

David Richardson.




Monday, February 2, 2015

M1 students: class cancelled tomorrow (Feb 03, 2015)

Dear M1 students, 

Due to very unforeseen circumstances, I will be not be able to have class tomorrow morning (Feb 03, 2015).

I sincerely apologize for this very short notice but I really thought I would be able to make it tomorrow.

As I might not be able to teach this whole semester, I have asked my supervisor and the administration to find someone  else to replace me this second semester.

You will be informed about it either by them or by my myself through this blog. 

Very best regards,



Monday, January 26, 2015

M1 students: class cancelled tomorrow (Jan 27, 2015)

Dear M1 students, 

Due to very unforeseen circumstances, I will be not be able to have class tomorrow morning (Jan 27, 2015).

I sincerely apologize for this very short notice but I really thought I would be able to make it tomorrow.

Very best regards,



Friday, December 12, 2014

M1 Class: Dec 16 Short Test / REMINDERS

Dear M1 students,

The second short test will take place next Tuesday ie on Dec 16:
- you will hear an "unknown report" twice with questions that may not be in order. These questions will be provided to you before the first listening 
- you will also have to summarize one the BBC articles of my choice, which means you must have read them all (several times if possible). Reminder: these articles are on "the cloud".
- "Contrôle final" students" are all welcome! 
 Very best regards,  



1/There will be no catch-up session whatsoever even if you have a valid and sincere justification.
2/ Please, do arrive on time if not in advance!

M2 Class: Dec 16 Short Test / REMINDERS

Dear M2 students,

The second short test will take place next Tuesday ie on Dec 16:
- you will hear an "unknown report" twice with questions that may not be in order. These questions will be provided to you only after the first listening 
- you will also have to summarize one the BBC articles of my choice, which means you must have read them all (several times if possible). Reminder: these articles are on "the cloud".
- "Contrôle final" students" are all welcome! 
 Very best regards,  



1/There will be no catch-up session whatsoever even if you have a valid and sincere justification.
2/ Please, do arrive on time if not in advance!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

M2 class: Second Main Exam on Dec 09 / Second Short Test on Dec 16

Dear M2 students, 

As previously said, your second main exam ("contrôle final" for students in that case) will take place at Serpente in our usual room ie D 116 from 3:30 pm to 5 pm next Tuesday (Dec 09).

This exam will cover:
- Listening Comprehension: you will hear 2 unknown reports twice: 
1) the first unknown report: the questions will be provided to you in advance ie before the first listening 
2) the second unknown report: the questions will be provided to you only after the first listening
 - Phrasal Verbs: Pages 1 and 2
- Vocabulary from "The Illusion of Control" and "Australian Muslims" , "Narendra Modi" and Phrasal verbs handout (pages 1 and 2)
Very best regards, 


1/There will be no catch-up session whatsoever even if you have a valid and sincere justification.
2/ Please, do arrive on time if not in advance!
3/ "Contrôle continu" students: the second short test will take place the following Tuesday ie Dec 16: 
- you will hear an "unknown report" twice with questions that may not be in order. These questions will be provided to you only after the first listening
- you will also have to summarize one the BBC articles
4/ "Contrôle final" students" are all welcome! 

M1 class: Second Main Exam on Dec 09 / Second Short Test on Dec 16

Dear M1 students, 

As previously said, your second main exam  ("contrôle final" for students in that case) will take place at Serpente in our usual room ie D 040 from 8:30 am to 10 am next Tuesday (Dec 09)

This exam will cover:
- Listening Comprehension:
- you will hear twice extracts from the 3 audio reports we have worked on so far ("The Illusion of Control", "Australian Muslims", "Narendra Modi") 

- you will be asked to explain and comment these extracts in a few lines
- Phrasal Verbs: Pages 1 and 2

- Vocabulary from "The Illusion of Control" and "Australian Muslims" , "Narendra Modi" and Phrasal verbs handout (pages 1 and 2)
Very best regards, 


1/There will be no catch-up session whatsoever even if you have a valid and sincere justification.
2/ Please, do arrive on time if not in advance!
3/ "Contrôle continu students" The second short test will take place the following Tuesday ie Dec 16: you will hear an "unknown report" twice with questions that may not be in order. These questions will be provided to you before listening to this "unknown report".
4/ Please, do arrive on time if not in advance!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Dear M1 students, 

I really tried hard but failed to find a suitable room for our exams, which means we will have them all at Serpente in our usual room ie D 040 from 8:30 am to 10 am on Tuesday. 

As precised today, your next week's exam will cover (First Main Exam):
- Listening Comprehension:
- you will hear twice extracts from the 3 audio reports we have worked on so far ("The Illusion of Control", "Australian Muslims", "Narendra Modi") 

- you will be asked to explain and comment these extract in a few lines
- Phrasal Verbs: Pages 1 and 2

- Vocabulary from "The Illusion of Control" and "Australian Muslims" and Phrasal verbs handout (pages 1 and 2)
Very best regards, 


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

M2 Class: Homework & First Short Test for Nov 18

As explained yesterday afternoon, here a recap of the preparations for our next class on November 18 at Serpente (room D116)

1/ First Short Test 
    - Phrasal verbs: page 1, 2 & 3
    - Vocabulary from the Phrasal verbs handout (page 1,2 & 3)
    - Vocabulary from "The illusion of control" and "Modi" reports 

2/ Homework: 
   - "Not in my name" Vocabulary 
   - US Midterm elections ( 2 audio reports): Listening comprehension and vocabulary 
   - Phrasal verbs: Page 4


Here is the link all my HCEAI - M2 students will have to use to find the documents (audio files, phrasal verbs, vocabulary, etc.) used and discussed during the class sessions:

[in case this link does not work, switch to Mozilla/Firefox or Internet Explorer or Chrome or email me, I will send the documents and audio reports by email

1/ There will be no catch-up session whatsoever
  even if you have a valid and sincere
2/ Please, do arrive on time if not in advance!  

M1 class: Nov 18 exam in Amphi Edgar QUINET (Sorbonne)

Dear M1 students,

The exam on November 18 (First Main Exam) will take place in amphi Edgar QUINET (Sorbonne) from 8:30 am to 10 am as it was supposed to be the case last Tuesday (Nov 04).

The dates for the remaining exams remain unchanged.

Very best regards, 
